Why Become A Skinny Fiber Consultant?

When I first ordered my Skinny Fiber, I had no idea that I would one day become a consultant. I had seen people posting pictures about the incredible amount of weight they had lost, and I thought it sounded like something I should try. Perhaps I could have similar results. 

So, I placed my order, and I waited patiently until my Skinny Fiber came in the mail. I was really excited to try it! When it came, I took my first dose, and about 20 minutes later, I just felt like I needed to get out and exercise. I didn’t feel jittery, I just felt energized. That night, I HAD to go for a walk. I just had to be active, and at that time, walking was the only thing I could do that I thought might not kill me. I could only walk for about 15-20 minutes, but it was enough to get the ball rolling. A week later, I was pulling 30 minutes at a time on my Gazelle.

About a week into it, I realized that I no longer had a craving for sweets. Before Skinny Fiber, I always wanted something sweet. If a day went by and I didn’t eat chocolate, something was wrong. Suddenly, I was turning down desserts because they just didn’t sound appetizing. 

After I had taken Skinny Fiber for about three weeks, I decided that I wanted to share it with others. I wanted people to know about this amazing supplement. No one had to sell me on it. I sold myself on it. I signed up to be a consultant because it seemed like the right thing to do. It didn’t have anything to do with wanting to make money off of a product, or anything like that. 

I know the pain I’ve dealt with (both physically and emotionally) for most of my life because I’ve been overweight. I know how hard it has been for me to just get a few pounds off here and there. I know how I’ve struggled, and even sought out weight loss surgery because I didn’t see any other way. I lived through being insulted when I was a college student, walking through the streets of Boston when I was 18 years old. Two guys were passing me while I was eating ice cream, and one of them said to me, “You don’t need that.” I was so upset, I threw it in the garbage and sat down and cried. 

I was tired of going to amusement parks and being picky about which ride I rode because I wasn’t able to fit in the seats. 

I was tired of not being able to walk long distances because my feet hurt, or my back hurt, or I was out of breath. I was even considering purchasing one of those chairs that folds up and fits in your pocket, so you can take it out and sit down when you have to wait in long lines. 

And I couldn’t help but think that maybe other people had experienced the same type of thing. If there’s a chance that I could help any of them, I wanted to do it. That’s why I became a Skinny Fiber consultant. 

I wouldn’t be surprised if you do too, after you see how great it works for you. 

If you’d like more information on becoming a Skinny Fiber consultant, or, if you’d just like to give Skinny Fiber a try, please contact me today! This supplement will change your life, just like it changed mine. 

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