Time For New Jeans Thanks To Skinny Fiber!


It’s a chilly day here in Upstate NY. It’s surprising for August. Craig and I had our wedding around this time in August 2007, and it was really hot. We’re barely hitting 60 degrees today, so I figured it was probably time to get out my jeans.

I’ve lost a little over 35 pounds since I last had those jeans on. So, I had a feeling they were going to be a little bit big. They’re HUGE! I’m not sure how many inches I’ve lost since I stopped doing my measurements after I finished the Skinny Fiber 90 Day Challenge. But, I have tons of extra material in my thighs, and I can easily take them off without unbuttoning them.

I remember the days when I had to lie down on my bed to even get them buttoned!

This is such an amazing feeling, and I’m so excited! I have no idea what size I am right now, but I do know that these jeans are a size 24. I would guess that I’m either an 18 or a 16. I’m probably going to wait until September to buy more jeans, but I will definitely have to buy some new ones. Hopefully I can find a good deal because I’m certainly not stopping now!

I can’t remember if I mentioned this or not, but I was really excited a couple of weeks ago to find that my rings no longer looked like they were choking my fingers. I hadn’t been able to take my wedding ring off in a really long time. I think it might have three or four years since I had it off. A few weeks ago, I was sitting on the couch, and I thought that I would try and see if it would come off. It did!

These are the types of victories that you just can’t measure with a scale. Yes, when I get on my scale and see that the number has gone down, I get really happy. But if you’re like me, you have a hard time seeing weight loss when you look in the mirror regardless of what the scale is telling you. I’ve never really been able to see a difference in myself in the mirror. When my clothes are more loose, and my jeans fit better, those are the types of victories that really let me know that something I’m doing is working.

I’ve done diet and exercise in the past. I’ve never been motivated enough to stick with a program long enough to see the results. Skinny Fiber helps me with that motivation. It’s taken away my cravings for sweet foods and replaced them with cravings for fresh produce and protein. It also gives me a physical burst of energy that helps me want to work out in the mornings and sometimes in the evenings too.

Without Skinny Fiber, I’d still be weighing in at over 250 pounds. This morning, I was at 217, and I know it won’t be long before I’ll be quickly approaching my big goal of being 130. If you’re a regular reader of mine, I’d like to thank you for all of your help in keeping me on the course toward that big goal.

And, hey! If you’re a new reader, welcome to my blog! I hope you’ll check out Skinny Fiber and join me on a weight loss journey of your own!

If you’d like more information about Skinny Fiber, please contact me!

If you’re ready to place your order, visit my website by clicking here.

If you’re interested in becoming a Skinny Fiber consultant, I’d love to have you on my team! Click here.

Clothes That Fit Better: Another Perk In My Weight Loss Journey With Skinny Fiber

This morning I was thrilled when I pulled a shirt out of my closet that I hadn’t worn in a few years. To be honest, it was a little tight when I bought it, but I was determined to make it work for the outfit I needed to wear. I don’t even know what year it was, but I know it was a long time ago.

As I looked at the shirt, I realized that it kind of looked like it was a little bit bigger than it was before. It’s interesting how our perspective changes as we lose weight. I thought I would try it on and see if it fit any better now that I had lost 32 pounds.

It fits perfectly!

Being able to wear clothes that I haven’t worn in a while has been one of my favorite parts about taking Skinny Fiber. Perhaps you’re like me, and you have some of those smaller clothes in your closet. At one point, you put them in there thinking, “Someday I’ll lose weight, and I’ll be able to wear that again.” You held onto those clothes in hopes that you would be losing weight eventually. The problem is, for most of us that day never comes.

That’s where I was for a really LONG time. In fact, most of those smaller clothes I once had disappeared. There were a few items that I gave away, but some of them just up and vanished. However, I do still have a couple of things that I’ve been hoping to wear again someday.

The next goal? To look into my closet and say, “Wow! I need to go shopping so I have some clothes that aren’t too big on me!” That will be an amazing accomplishment. I’m already looking forward to the fall/winter so that I can buy myself some new jeans. I only have two pairs of jeans right now, and it’s been a few months since I’ve worn them. I’m sure they’re quite big. It will be fun shopping for new jeans!

If you’ve tried to lose weight many times in the past, and you haven’t been successful, it might be time to try something different. Losing weight is a challenge, but it’s not one that’s too difficult when you have the right tools in your hands. Skinny Fiber has helped me tremendously, and I know that it can help you too.

For more information about Skinny Fiber, contact me!

If you’d like to place your first order, which comes with an empty bottle money-back guarantee, click here.

If you’d like more information about becoming a Skinny Fiber consultant, click here.

What are your weight loss goals? Do you have any goals that aren’t measured by the scale?

I Eat Bacon…Every Day



I’m just going to put this out there because, well…because it needs to be put out there. 

I eat bacon every day. I do. If you’ve been following my blog for any period of time, you’ve been there when I broke up with bacon, and you’ve been there when I celebrated bacon. I do love it, and I love it so much that I don’t deprive myself of it. When I want some, I eat it. 

I want it every day. 

“Bacon is bad for you!”

“You’re not going to lose weight!” 

“You need to exercise some restraint!”

I can hear you now. 

I didn’t say I eat a MOUNTAIN of bacon every day. No, that would definitely be going too far. However, I do eat a little bit each day. Most of the time, I’m putting already cooked bacon (meaning, that’s how we bought it, it was already cooked) on my wraps for lunch. I eat a half a wrap for my lunch, and that’s my bacon. 

It’s delicious. 

A half a piece is just fine. I’m not depriving myself, and I still get the bacon I love. I think that the reason a lot of diets don’t work out, is because we deprive ourselves of the things we love. Now, I don’t HAVE to eat bacon every day. I probably really don’t…it just seemed a little bit more funny to put that in a blog post. However, I do eat it a lot. I don’t overdo it. I practice moderation. 

It’s that moderation that makes me feel satisfied enough not to run to the county fair when it’s in town and get something deep-fried and covered in sugar. The thought of that makes me sick, and I know I have Skinny Fiber to thank for feeling that way. 

I’ve lost 32 pounds in four months. That’s a great accomplishment! I can’t wait to see what I weigh at the end of August. I’m hoping to hit a 40 pound weight loss by then. Do you think I can do it? 

Why not you? 

If you want to know more about Skinny Fiber, contact me today!