30 Pounds Lost On Skinny Fiber!



I’ve been flirting with a 30 pound weight loss for a few days now. Last weekend was a tough one, with a few different picnics with friends and family. I always struggle with those types of gatherings because I usually don’t drink enough water, and there are always too many pasta dishes at picnics. That includes dishes that my family brings. 

However, this morning when my scale said that I had lost 30 pounds, I was ecstatic! 

If you follow my blog, you know that I started this leg of my weight loss journey in March. Its been four months since I began taking Skinny Fiber, and although I wish I had lost a little bit more than 30 pounds, I can’t deny that I’m proud of myself. Especially since in the past, I wasn’t able to do this well with weight loss. Even during the time I lost 50 pounds when I was younger, it took me two years to do it. 

So, I’d say that 30 pounds in four months is pretty good! 

I get asked all the time, “How are you doing it?” It takes a lot of dedication to make it happen. It takes hard work and it also means not depriving myself. I think one of the reasons why diets don’t work, or why they take so long to see real results is because people deprive themselves of the things they love the most. It’s difficult to hang on your motivation for a long period of time, and eventually many of us give in. I’ve been guilty of that in the past, which is why Skinny Fiber works so well for me. 

Making healthy choices is much easier now that it ever was before. Chocolate was always a problem for me. I could never even walk through a grocery checkout line without picking up some kind of candy bar. Was I weak? Was I lacking in motivation and willpower? Certainly. 

Chocolate isn’t a factor for me anymore. Since I started taking Skinny Fiber, it doesn’t even taste the same to me. I haven’t had a bonafide chocolate craving in four months, and on the occasions when I have had chocolate or, some type of dessert, I’m able to eat just a small portion of it and feel satisfied. 

THAT is the boost I needed to lose weight and keep it off. THAT is what I was lacking when I tried to lose weight before. 

Also, with a PCOS diagnosis, losing weight can be very difficult, if not impossible. When I go for my physical in September, I’ll find out if that diagnosis still stands. I’m guessing it doesn’t.

For many of us, weight loss is a struggle. It’s a constant battle that we fight every single day. Some of us lose weight only to put it right back on again, either because of poor choices, lack of willpower, or because of hormonal fluctuations. If you’re struggling, and you’re tired of it, Skinny Fiber can help.

For more information about Skinny Fiber, contact me today.

If you’d like to place an order for Skinny Fiber, click here.

If you’d like information on becoming a Skinny Fiber consultant, click here.

Yes, I’ve lost 30 pounds. I’m proud, but I’m not finished! I still have 93 to go. I’ll make it there, mark my words!  

Skinny Fiber: Listening To Your Body


I just finished an hour-long Aqua Zumba workout. It was incredible! I love when I get to go to the local YWCA for my Aqua Zumba class. I worked off almost 900 calories today, when you add in my Gazelle workout in the morning. That’s a lot of calories, and I feel awesome right now, albeit a little bit tired.

When I got home from my workout, I was hungry. REALLY HUNGRY. My family had frozen pizza for dinner and as I waited for mine to get done, I fixed myself a nice, big salad. After I took my Skinny Fiber, of course. I ate my salad, and then I had my pizza. I usually eat two pieces, but for some reason, tonight I was a bit more hungry than I usually am at dinner time. I’m guessing it was because I worked off so many calories today. So, I added another piece of pizza. All in all, I still only had a net of just over 500 calories for my meals today. 

It’s important to listen to your body. If you’re paying attention, your body will tell you what it needs in order to function well. People have so many things they decide to cut out of their diets because they think they’re bad for them, however, your body needs a certain amount of protein and a certain amount of carbs in order to burn fat and build muscle. 

What I love about Skinny Fiber is that it really guides you as far as what you should eat and what you shouldn’t eat. It’s amazing how so many things that are good for me seem so appetizing, and the things that aren’t good for me (chocolate, cookies, cake, etc.) don’t tempt me anymore. 

I believe that learning to listen to your body is healthier than counting points or putting myself on a strict diet that I’m going to cheat on constantly, or that I’m going to be off in a week or so. I lived that way for far too long, and I’m not interested in doing it again. If you’ve just found this blog for the first time, take my word for it: Skinny Fiber works. I’m skeptical, and it’s been four months. If it didn’t work, I wouldn’t be here, telling you it did. I’ve lost 30 pounds, I look better than I have in years, and I feel better too. 

You can have the same results. 

Want to know more? Contact me today! 

Click here for information about how to become a Skinny Fiber consultant.

Click here to be taken directly to my website. You can take the Skinny Fiber tour and get pre-enrolled as a customer or as a consultant. 

What Happens When You Mess Up?



We’ve all been there.

We’ve all spent days…weeks…even months working on losing weight, only to spend one great weekend hanging out with friends over some great food, which ultimately resulted in a few pounds put on. I’ve had Monday mornings when I’ve woken up and thought, “There is no way I should even step on that scale. I know I gained a lot over the weekend.”

Interestingly enough, it takes a lot of extra calories being consumed before you will really gain weight long term. It’s actually taken you quite a while to gain what you’ve gained, just as it will take a long time to lose what you need to lose. I’ve seen some rough estimates online, but if you check out this guy’s blog, you’ll see his calculations, and they might help you feel a little bit better. According to him, you’d have to eat 5300 calories in one day to put on one pound of fat.

But why does the scale say that I’ve gained 3 pounds this weekend? 

I know, I know. That just doesn’t make sense, and it’s driving you crazy, right? I used to be the same way. Inevitably, I eat a little more during the weekends, and I would always beat myself up about it come Monday morning. Once you’ve conditioned your body to live on less calories, it actually becomes a calorie-burning machine. Once I get into a groove, I start losing quite a few pounds all at once, and it comes off pretty quickly. That’s because my body becomes accustomed to “this is the way we live now”. When I change things, even if I indulge in a snack on Saturday night, the weight gain I see Sunday morning is nothing but water weight. You’re confusing your body, and it will hang on to some of the water that’s in your food for a little while longer. 

The Good News

The good news is that once you get back in the swing of things, get a good workout under your belt, and drink the day away (with water!), you’ll find those pounds virtually disappear. It might take two days, but I’ve seen them vanish off of my scale overnight. It’s wonderful.

You’re not going to be perfect in your weight loss journey. You’re bound to slip up and give in to temptations here and there. And, yes, the result is going to be a little bit of weight gained back. However, if you keep on keepin’ on, you’ll take it right back on again. This is a journey, after all, and journeys come complete with bumps in the road, mountains to climb, and valleys to trudge through. 

Don’t give up! Get yourself re-focused and trust your body. It knows what it needs, and so do you. 

If you want to know more about how Skinny Fiber can help you complete your weight loss journey, contact me today!

There Will Come A Day



This morning as I write this, I just finished weighing in, and I’m right on the brink of a 30 pound total weight loss since March 21. I’ve eaten my breakfast, and now I’m thinking about the fact that there will come a day when I won’t be overweight. 

There will come a day when I won’t have any real pressing weight concerns at all. That will be a wonderful day! That means I:

Won’t have to search for clothes that are “big enough” to fit me

Won’t have to worry about what I look like in pictures

Won’t have to be concerned about whether or not I will fit in amusement park rides

And so much more!

That will be a great day, indeed. As long as I stay on track, by this time next year, I’ll be at my goal weight. 

There will come a day, and I can’t wait!

If you’d like to know more about Skinny Fiber, contact me today! 

To place your order click here.

To become a Skinny Fiber consultant, click here

Getting Rid Of Water Weight With Skinny Fiber

I always find it interesting that in order to get rid of water weight, you need to drink more water. During these hot months of summer (and it IS hot), drinking water is necessary for survival. In Upstate NY today, it was 97 degrees. That’s just crazy to me! Either way, right around the time of my period, I always put on a little bit of weight, which I know will come right back off.

I was right! When I weighed myself this morning, it had all come back off.

I love WordPress because it allows me to see what people are using to search for my site. Quite a few people have searched “What happens if I don’t lose weight on Skinny Fiber?” I wrote a blog post about that a while back, but I’d like to address it now, as long as we’re already talking about water.

If you’re not losing weight, it’s quite possible that you’re not drinking enough water. Many people don’t realize how much water they should really be drinking in a day. Unless you weigh 130 pounds, 8 – 8 oz. glasses of water is not enough. You should drink half of your body weight in water every day. Drink more if you want to.

And no, coffee doesn’t count. In fact, coffee can be quite dehydrating. I’ve cut my coffee consumption down to a travel mug of coffee most days. On weekends I might have two of those, but it’s rare for me to ever have three of them.

The first thing that Skinny Fiber does is help to detox your body to prepare it for weight loss. You’ll be amazed at how much “gunk” you have in your system. It took me a while to figure out that I needed to up my water intake, and quite honestly, I didn’t drink nearly enough for a long time. In fact, I hardly ever used to drink water unless I was really thirsty. I knew I needed to develop a habit of it, and I knew I needed a cool water bottle to help me establish that habit. I got my cool water bottle, and I downloaded an app on my phone that reminds me every so often to drink another 8 ounces of water. I need those reminders, and ever since I started using that app, it’s really helped me establish my water habit.

I’m happy to see the water weight disappear for yet, another month. I’m still working on combating the fact that I gain a little bit of water weight at all, but until I figure that out, I’ll have to keep on drinking it off again.

Want to know more about Skinny Fiber? Contact me today!

An Update And A Thank You To My Readers



During the past few hours, it occurred to me that I needed to come here and write a post before too much time went by. It’s not that I’ve fallen off of any wagon, or anything. I’m completely on track, and I’m feeling pretty good! The issue is that every other month I have to work on a BIG project, and as the due date approaches, it really eats up a lot of my time. So far this week, I’ve been completely devoted to it, and I’m happy to say that I believe it’s about done. Ah…the life of a writer! I do love it. 

As I thought about what to write, I checked the stats for this blog and I was blown away. Even when I’m not writing for a few days, I still get some visits every day. For that, I want to say THANK YOU!

The fact that you’re reading this blog (if you’re a regular visitor) means that you’re curious about what you can do differently to help yourself lose weight. If this is your first visit to my blog, welcome! If you read on, you’ll find lots of great information here. By reading my posts, you’ll learn that I’m a real person with a lot of weight to lose. I have a little more than 90 pounds left to go, but I’m OK with that. It’s less than the 123 pounds I had to lose a few months ago. You’ll learn something else too.

I’m a Skinny Fiber consultant, but no one has “programmed” anything into me. Every couple of days I think that I should probably start doing some training so that I’m able to lead those who decide they want to do what I’m doing and help others lose weight. However, the truth is that I’m busy. I haven’t had time to do any training yet. That might be my downfall. However, I’m not doing this to get rich. It would be great if I did, but honestly, I’m more interested in helping other people with the pain they feel from being overweight. There’s physical pain and emotional pain associated with knowing you weigh more than “they” say you should. I’ve seen others say things about Skinny Fiber on their blogs or other websites, and you won’t hear any of that from me. You’ll hear the truth. I’ll talk about my struggles and my triumphs. I’m a real human being, a mother of three, the wife of a truck driver, and a professional writer who works for herself. I speak the truth in this blog, and you’re invited to join me in my journey – you may even want to embark on one of your own. 

So…for an update. I just finished my “monthly visitor” and I’ve been a little bit frustrated over the past few days because I put on a few pounds. I know that it’s just water weight. It happens to me every month, and I just up my water intake for a few days, and it comes right back off. Today I burned a lot of calories. I was up early this morning (wow…that’s a LONG story), and I was able to start my workout (and finish!) before 8 am. This afternoon I was able to go to my Aqua Zumba class (I had to miss it last week). So, that’s a total of 90 minutes of exercise today. 

I’m beat!

As this big project of mine winds down, and I start to get back into my regular groove with work, I’ll be writing more again. If you’re a regular, thanks for sticking with me. If you’re new to this blog, hang on for the ride! I’ve still got a lot of weight to lose, and I’m not giving up until it’s GONE. 

If you’d like to know more about Skinny Fiber, or you’re interested in becoming a Skinny Fiber consultant, contact me today! 

Healing PCOS With Skinny Fiber



For any men reading this blog post, I’m going to talk about women’s issues again. So, if you’re squeamish, but you still want to know about how Skinny Fiber can help you, you might want to skip this post and check out this blog post, written specifically for guys

I wanted to write a quick post today and share how my weight loss journey is going, and how the issues I deal with regarding PCOS are going. You’ll notice that I avoid saying, “MY PCOS” because I don’t want to own it. While I’ve been diagnosed with it, I believe in healing, and I believe that Skinny Fiber is a tool that God is using to heal my body of PCOS. 

Today is day 5 of my cycle. While I kind of look forward to my period each month because it means that I’m becoming more regular, I also don’t look forward to it because it’s been lasting such a long time. In April, it was 11 days long. In May, it was 10 days long. In June, it was 7 days long. This month, it’s looking like it’s going to be 5 days long! I’m so excited! Not only is it shorter this month, but it’s also much lighter; more like a normal period. There have been times, over the past few months, that the bleeding has been so heavy, by the end of the day I was completely exhausted. I have told my nurse practitioner about it, and all she said was that it wasn’t anything to really be concerned about. 

Heavy bleeding and periods that are infrequent, but that last a really long time are classic signs of PCOS. I’ve been a pretty good example of what PCOS looks like. The heavy bleeding is seen more in women who are obese. Skinny Fiber has helped me lose almost 30 pounds, and while I can’t be sure that the bleeding is lighter because I’ve lost weight or if Skinny Fiber is helping to correct the problem, it really doesn’t matter. If it wasn’t for Skinny Fiber, I wouldn’t have been able to do so well with the weight loss, and I wouldn’t be experiencing some relief from these horrible PCOS symptoms. 

I read many blogs written by women who are suffering because of their PCOS. These posts are painful to read, because I know how they feel. I struggled for a long time with infertility, and I cried myself to sleep many nights because I wanted to be pregnant so bad. Even though periods are (really) a pain in the butt, even when they’re normal, having a regular period helps you feel better overall. 

If you’re reading this, and you’re struggling, take it from someone who knows. Skinny Fiber can help correct those things in your body that are off. PCOS can make it nearly impossible to lose weight on your own, and if you do lose weight, it often comes right back on again. Skinny Fiber changes that. Within the first month, you’ll find that you’ve lost weight and you’re well on your way to a healing journey of your own. 

I would love to talk to you about your symptoms and how Skinny Fiber can help you. Right now, a month’s supply is only $60, plus shipping and handling. If you don’t get the results you want after the first month, you’ll get your money back. No questions asked. Are you ready to make a change? Contact me today!

Setting My Body Right With Skinny Fiber

I was excited when I weighed myself this morning. I have lost a grand total of 28.9 pounds! There are some that would say I should just call it 29, or even 30. However, I’ve been brutally honest about my weight loss, and I’m not about to stop now. 

This has been a great journey, so far. There are so many things that are getting set right in my body, and it all started when I began taking Skinny Fiber in March. I’m continually losing the weight I want to lose. I know I have a long way to go, but I know I’ll get there, one pound at a time.

My menstrual cycle has become regulated. Since April, I’ve had a period every month. It hasn’t always been the same number of days apart, but before then, I hadn’t had a period since January. This month it came just when the app on my phone said it should come. I think that might be helping me feel better too. 

Making healthy food choices is getting to be much easier. This past weekend, I did really well with my eating, and I didn’t gain any weight when the weekend was over! I call that success. I’m hoping that I hit 30 pounds lost before the weekend gets here. That would be amazing! 

How are you doing on your weight loss goals? If you want to know more about Skinny Fiber, I’d love to talk to you about it. Contact me today!

Skinny Fiber: Enjoying The Journey



It’s been quite a journey so far. This afternoon I’ve been thinking a lot about how far I’ve come, and how far I still have yet to go. It’s been easier than I ever thought it would be, and now that I’ve lost 26 pounds, I’m looking back and reflecting quite a bit on where I started.

When I began taking Skinny Fiber, I was 253 pounds. At my heaviest non-pregnancy weight, I was 259. I’m not sure when I lost those six pounds, but they probably came off really slowly once I started eating a little bit better during the day. 

In January, I decided I was going to work on losing some weight (like half of the rest of the country), and I started on a weight loss regimen that I quit after only three days. There were too many temptations out there, and I gave in to all of them. I started trying to go the weight loss surgery route until it became obvious that I wasn’t going to be able to afford it. Needless to say, that was the end of that part of my journey. 

In March, I decided that it was now or never. I had heard about Skinny Fiber, and I had seen pictures of people who had success with it. I decided to give it a try, and see if it would work for me. 

I haven’t looked back.

26 pounds is quite an accomplishment for someone who had trouble sticking to a weight loss plan that would allow her to lose two pounds in a week’s time. I’m feeling so much better than I ever have before, and each day I see that scale going down more and more. It’s a great feeling to know that there WILL come a day when I will look at myself in the mirror and see a person who is the weight she should be. It will be nice to go to the doctor and not immediately begin having a conversation about my weight. I’m so tired of having those conversations. 

My weight loss isn’t happening overnight because Skinny Fiber is not a supplement that just melts the fat off of your body. It takes a lot of hard work and it takes discipline. However, Skinny Fiber has given me the boost I need to be successful, and that’s all I really needed…a big BOOST!

If you’d like to know more about Skinny Fiber, I’d love the chance to talk to you. This blog is full of great information, like how much water you should drink in a day, and how important it is to get enough exercise. Follow my journey, and create one of your own in the process. If you’d like to know more, or if you have any questions, contact me!

Skinny Fiber: Does It Work For Guys?



I’ve spent a lot of time thus far on this blog talking about how much Skinny Fiber has worked for me. I’m now down 26 pounds, and I’m thrilled with those results. However, today I wanted to talk about how great Skinny Fiber is for men too.

Skinny Fiber isn’t a woman’s supplement. Yes, it helps with PCOS, and it seems to be helping me have healthier hair and nails. However, it also helps with blood pressure. Above all, it suppresses the appetite and helps you make healthier food choices. That makes it perfect for men.

I know one of the things my husband complains about all the time is the fact that he’s “always hungry”. He works a very active job, and he’s constantly working out. He’s a delivery driver (four days a week), and each day he lifts thousands of pounds. As a result, he needs to eat a high number of calories. I think this complaint is probably a pretty normal one for men. 

Skinny Fiber can give you that full feeling you’ve been missing. It can also help you make wiser food choices by reducing your cravings for salty foods or sweet foods. You’ll want to make better food choices, and no matter how active your job is, you’ll be motivated to exercise above and beyond that. 

Skinny Fiber can work for you (men) just like it’s working for me. I’m still on my journey, and I have a long way to go. However, I will get there! Will you come along with me?

For more information on Skinny Fiber, contact me today!