Nine Inches Lost With Skinny Fiber!


I wanted to write a quick post about my progress with Skinny Fiber this morning. While it’s true that my weight loss has been kind of slow going because of vacations and temptations and such things, I decided to measure myself today. I found that I lost nine inches!

Now, this is not nine inches around my waist. It’s nine inches in total. I measured my neck, thighs, biceps, chest, hips and waist. I saw the most loss from my hips and waist.

I didn’t begin measuring myself right away, so these measurements are from a few weeks into my Skinny Fiber weight loss journey. I’ve lost nine inches in less than a month!

What could Skinny Fiber do for you?

I’m going to be hosting a 90 Day weight loss challenge in a few weeks. Stay tuned for that to begin, and please let me know if you’re interested in participating in it with me. Not only will you reap the benefits of weight loss and inches lost, but you’ll also be eligible to win prizes for the most weight lost!

If you’d like more information on Skinny Fiber, or if you’re interested in becoming a consultant (so you get your Skinny Fiber cheaper!) contact me today!

My New Bike!

I got a new bike this past weekend.

I was so excited. I’ve wanted a bike for quite a while. Actually, ever since I started working on losing weight. My brother, Adam Carl, has been a big part of the reason why I wanted a bike so bad. (By the way…Adam needs to start a blog of his own so we can all follow HIS weight loss journey! He’s coming up on a loss of 100 pounds, any day now!)

I gained a little bit of weight this weekend (like, a few tenths of a pound). I think part of it was the birthday cake I had on Saturday (Happy Birthday, Mom) and the other half of it was the extra pizza I had on Saturday night when Craig and I went to Atlas. *Sigh* I have to work on enjoying the food I’m eating and paying attention to when I’m comfortable. There was something about Alfredo Shrimp Scampi pizza that encouraged me to eat more than the one piece I should have eaten. Anyhow, I digress…

I went on my first bike ride yesterday afternoon. I rode through the cemetery for half an hour. Today was a little bit harder for some reason. I didn’t get started early in the morning, like I had planned to. I got deterred by a phone call to my Mom. Even so, I went for a bike ride, fully planning on riding around the cemetery twice, like I did yesterday.

No dice.

It didn’t happen today. I did fifteen minutes, and then I rode back home and finished my workout on the Gazelle. I’m not sure why today was more difficult than yesterday. Although yesterday was pretty hard. I’m going to keep at it though.

My brother is riding 15 miles around Elmira at a time. That’s incredible! That’s where I want to be. I’ll get there before too long. It wasn’t that long ago when I could only do 10 minutes on the Gazelle. Now I’m doing 30 minutes or more, easily.

Riding my bike gives me another way to work off some of these pounds. It would be great if I could lose 5 pounds this week. Perhaps that should be my goal! Now that it’s been over a month of me taking Skinny Fiber, my weight loss should get a little bit easier.

If you’d like more information about Skinny Fiber, contact me today!



What About Bacon?


I’m going to just go ahead and admit it. Bacon is one of my downfalls. I haven’t really talked about bacon in this blog yet, because I’ve been trying to avoid having to think about it too much. However, when the idea struck me today to make bacon-wrapped hot dogs for dinner, I couldn’t resist writing a blog about it.

I was a little concerned about the hot dogs. I had had them before, but the place that made them deep fried them. I tend to avoid our deep fryer like it’s a source of the black plague. There was no way I would deep fry these hot dogs, and it has nothing to do with wanting to cook them a little more healthy than being drowned in hot oil. I just never want to use the fryer.


So, the hot dogs were destined for the frying pan. That was fine with me. I wanted to keep an eye on them anyway.

Just so you know, there was more on the menu for tonight’s dinner than just hot dogs wrapped in bacon. I peeled potatoes, cut them up and boiled them for ten minutes before draining them and putting them in a casserole dish. I seasoned them with salt, pepper, onion salt, and garlic. I tossed them in some oil and then added some red and green peppers. I baked them for an hour. Our veggie was zucchini “crisps” with Parmesan cheese and bread crumbs baked in the oven.

Now, I know that potatoes aren’t all that healthy (starch), and I know I could have found a better way to make the zucchini. But, it was a good dinner, and both of these sides complimented the hot dogs quite well, I thought.

Wanna see them?

hot dogs

Don’t they look awesome? They tasted awesome.

Anyhow, I had one hot dog on a bun, about a half a cup of potatoes, a half a cup of zucchini and 8 ounces of milk. That was my dinner. I still have almost 200 calories to go for today, too. I’m amazed at that. I did have a pretty light lunch, and I always have a light breakfast.

Bacon is too good for me to leave behind completely. Just look at how glorious this looks: cooked bacon

Doesn’t that just make you HAPPY?

I think bacon gets a pretty bad rap. The piece of bacon I had was only 49 calories. And yes, I only had one. I think there’s something to be said about eating certain things in moderation. With some foods, I can do that. Chocolate is an entirely different story. If I have one piece of chocolate candy, it’s all downhill from there. If you’re not sure what I mean by that, check out this post for an inside look at my past Reese’s Big Cups adventures.

Speaking of bacon that makes you happy, this does too: 07126352.interactive.a

I’m not writing this post to show off about what I had for dinner tonight. I’m writing to let you know I wasn’t exactly “well behaved” when I cooked dinner tonight. I let go on a few things here and there and I had some brief indulgences. I stayed true to my calorie count, though, and I’ll be eager to see if I still weigh less in the morning.

I will tell you this…I didn’t eat until I was stuffed. When I finished my food, I felt comfortable. Even now, I still feel a little bit hungry, but I’m just going to have some more water and let that fill me up.

I know there’s no getting rid of bacon in my diet. It’s not going anywhere. However, I’m going to remember to eat it once in a while, and not overdo it. If I do that, there’s no reason why I can’t have some every now and then, is there?

What are your food downfalls? Is there something you just love, and you know it’s not really all that good for you? We all have those struggles. Skinny Fiber can help you put them in their place. Contact me for more information!

I Cracked My Skinny Fiber Code!


I have a theory.

It’s been over a month now, since I started taking Skinny Fiber. During that month, my weight has fluctuated for a couple of reasons. Right now, I’m at a total of 9.1 pounds lost since I started Skinny Fiber on March 21, 2013. While that might not seem like much, it’s been a month full of learning for me. I’ve done a lot of reading on Skinny Fiber and how it’s helped other people lose weight. I’ve come to the conclusion that Skinny Fiber works differently for everyone. Some of them don’t need to do anything differently with their diets or exercise. Others need to follow a more strict regimen. I fall into the second category. However, that might be because of some other medical problems that I’ve been diagnosed with in the past. One of those is PCOS (Poly-Cystic Ovarian Syndrome), which can make it almost impossible to lose weight.

The title of this post says that I’ve cracked my Skinny Fiber code. By that, I mean, I’ve figured out how to make Skinny Fiber work for me. This is what I’ve found:

Re-Programming My Brain: Skinny Fiber suppresses my appetite very well. I do get hungry when it’s time for meals, but it’s not an unbearable hunger. It also helps me to be able to say no to extra food when I’m not hungry. This is a complete mindset change, which is incredible. I have to watch out for those times when I certain foods that I love are offered to me. Even though I don’t necessarily have those cravings anymore, because my brain is “programmed” to love those foods, it’s difficult to say no. But I do, and I know Skinny Fiber helps with that.

Sticking To My Calorie Allotment: I use the Lose It! app on my phone to record my calories and my exercise. At first, I was “eating back my calories”. Let me tell you what I mean by that. When I start my day, Lose It! allows me a little more than 1500 calories per day for food. My breakfast takes up 300 of those calories, leaving me with 1200 for the remainder of the day. My exercise is worth 400 calories. Lose It! will then add those 400 calories back into my total for the day, and suddenly I have 1600 calories left for the remainder of the day instead of 1200. When I followed that eating plan, I wasn’t losing any weight. In fact, I was gaining back tenths of a pound, a little at a time. I couldn’t figure out what the problem was, until I began researching how you shouldn’t eat back your calories. Now, I’m abiding by my 1500 calories, and I’m losing very quickly.

Making Sure I Exercise: I’ve seen where doctors recommend getting exercise a few times  a week (3-5) in order to support weight loss. However, I need to exercise every day. I feel better when I get that 30 minutes in every morning. Sometimes I’ll go for a walk in the evening for another 30 minutes. It just depends on my schedule. When I exercise before 8:00am, I get the best results. My husband says that it speeds up my metabolism and helps me lose weight over the course of the day. It makes sense to me!

Taking Skinny Fiber Faithfully: Generally, I take my Skinny Fiber at the same time every day. Although the bottle says to take it twice a day, right now I’m taking it three times a day. I’m doing that because at first I misread the directions and thought that was how it was supposed to be taken. When I tried to cut my dose down, I felt kind of sluggish in the morning. So, I decided to boost it back up. I might be able to cut it down again in a few months. Maybe once I’ve lost a little more weight, I won’t need that morning dose anymore. We’ll see.

Spending Time With Jesus: This is the most important factor of my weight loss. I’m not saying you can’t lose weight on Skinny Fiber if you’re not a Christian. However, it’s taken me some time to get my life in line with what God wants for me. I’ve had to let go of some habits that were slowly killing me. Now that I have, I’m able to come before God each morning, knowing that I am completely free. I was putting a lot of toxins in my body for a long time. I’m not doing that anymore. I believe God is healing my body, and a part of that healing is weight loss that’s coming through obedience. I love spending time with Jesus every morning, learning from His Word, and hearing His voice as I work out. It’s become the absolute best part of my day.

My theory is simple. All five of these factors have worked together to give me excellent results. I’m not finished, of course. I still have 113.8 pounds left to go. I’m up for the challenge though.

If you’d like to try Skinny Fiber, or you have some questions about it, feel free to contact me! I’d love to help you get started on your own weight loss journey.


5 Reasons I Love Skinny Fiber


I might have already blogged about why I love Skinny Fiber so much, but I thought of a few more reasons today, so I thought I would expand upon them.

Reason #1: Easy Portion Control

Do I still get hungry? You bet I do. I get just as hungry on Skinny Fiber as I did before I started taking it. It’s not as serious though. I used to feel almost sick to my stomach if I had waited too long to eat. I don’t get that anymore. As soon as I begin to feel real stomach hunger (which is different from just “thinking” you’re hungry), I take two Skinny Fiber and I wait half an hour before I eat. During that half an hour, my hunger actually decreases, because the Skinny Fiber increases in size in my stomach. It grows up to 50x its original size! When it comes time to eat, I’m not as hungry as I was when I took it, and I eat less. It makes portion control so much easier.

Reason #2: Less Food Cravings

I didn’t want to say that I don’t have any food cravings anymore. That’s not exactly true. My cravings are definitely changing, and they’re moving from chocolate and sweets to things like bread and salt. Even so, those cravings aren’t so bad I can’t handle them. What I’ve been doing is leaving some extra room in my meal plan each day for a slice of bread here and there. That seems to take care of the craving just fine.

I used to be a chocoholic, and those days are long gone. I no longer feel deprived if I don’t get chocolate every day (several times a day) and when I’m offered chocolate, it’s really easy to turn it down.

Reason #3: Increased Energy

If there was ever a sedentary human being, it was me. I hardly ever did any exercise before Skinny Fiber. My best friend rarely invited me to the gym with her because I really just wasn’t interested. Walking was hard, and anything more than walking just wasn’t happening. Now, I exercise a minimum of 30 minutes per day, and I’m getting sweaty! Today it seemed like my workout was really kicked up a notch or two, because I was really working out hard. Getting out of bed is a lot easier, and many times I wake up before my alarm even goes off. I’m ready to go!

Reason #4: Hair and Nails

Lately I’m noticing some big changes in my hair and nails. I’ve dealt with dry hair for months. It’s looked lifeless. When I washed it, it took a really long time before it would even soak up water to begin to feel wet. As far as my nails go, they’ve been brittle for as long as I can remember. My hair and nails are getting more healthy now. I’m not sure if it’s because of Skinny Fiber, or if it’s because of the better food I’m eating. It might be a combination of them both. Either way, I’m happy!

Reason #5: Better Mood

I’ve always been a happy person. Amazingly enough, however, my mood has improved a great deal since I started taking Skinny Fiber. I’m finding that I have more patience with my kids, and I’m able to maintain a happy mood all day long. It feels good to just feel pleasant all the time. I love it!

I blogged a few days ago about how I went on vacation and gained a few pounds while I was gone. As of yesterday, I had lost all of that weight, plus a little bit more. Today, I lost still another 1.1 pound. Even with a three-day vacation, it only took me three days to get rid of those pounds that crept back.

I’m well on my way toward my first goal! If you’d like to join me, I’d love to talk to you about how Skinny Fiber can help you. No other company will offer you an empty bottle guarantee if it doesn’t work. I promise you!

Why wait? Contact me and start your own weight loss journey today!

Moving Forward With Skinny Fiber


Yesterday I paid the price for my indulgences while I was on vacation. I felt just awful all day long. I was physically sick to my stomach. As evening approached, I felt like my stomach began to heal, and those awful burps started to subside. Thank God. This morning when I woke up, I felt almost normal.

I say almost normal because I felt more like I felt before I started taking Skinny Fiber. I was still pretty tired when I woke up, and I actually stayed in bed until 6:45. When I finally did make myself get up, I was determined to make today the day I got back on track. I took my Skinny Fiber, poured my coffee, and did my devotions. Once my devotions were finished, I had breakfast. Then I went to do my exercise. I did only do 20 minutes on the Gazelle this morning, partially because of time (because I woke up late), and partially because I didn’t want to stress my body too much after not exercising for a few days.

The rest of the day, it’s back to business as usual. I’m back on my healthy eating plan, and I’m excited to see more changes. I did lose 1.3 pounds since yesterday morning, which was probably a function of being sick. Even so…I’ll take it!

I had originally set a goal for myself for the end of this month. That goal was to be at 235 pounds by April 30. That isn’t going to happen, unfortunately. I’m going to keep on working, though. Maybe I can make it to 240. That would be wonderful!

Recovering From Vacation, Reaching For Skinny Fiber


I’ve been MIA for the past few days because I’ve been on vacation. I gained a few pounds while I was on vacation, which is pretty disappointing for me.

I started off our vacation taking my Skinny Fiber, however, because of the amount of times we ate, and because of the quick decisions to eat without leaving time for Skinny Fiber to work for 1/2 an hour, I decided to stop taking it while we were gone. Unfortunately, I backslid quite a bit. I did some exercise, which is probably why I didn’t gain more weight. My husband actually gained back all of the weight he had initially lost. I gained back all but four pounds.

Don’t worry…I’m paying the price today. My stomach is a complete wreck, and it has been ever since I woke up yesterday. In addition to having to run to the bathroom a lot, I’m also burping these disgusting burps that are making my family leave the room because they smell so bad. I’m sure these symptoms are a direct result of the crap I ate this past weekend. I ate a few greasy burgers, a pulled pork sandwich, some fried fish and a few desserts.

I had a great time on vacation with my husband, however, I’m not sad that I’m returning to my better eating habits. It’s incredible how much better I feel when I’m eating right and taking Skinny Fiber, as well as getting a good amount of exercise. I’m going to take it easy today and let my body heal. I don’t feel like eating much today, so I’m not going to. I’m also not going to take Skinny Fiber today because…well, I don’t really need the effects of more fiber. I hope that tomorrow I’ll be able to start it up again.

See The Difference?

short hair

I believe this was a picture of me when I was around the halfway point of the weight that I had lost in the early 2000’s.  Even so, I look a lot better than I do now! I’d say I probably had lost about 25 pounds in this picture. I still had quite a bit to lose. Check this picture out:


In this picture, I had probably made it all the way to a 50 pound weight loss. I got pregnant with Matt in December 2001, and this was probably a few months before then.

My brother sent me these pictures tonight to remind me of what is possible when I put my mind to what I want. It’s absolutely necessary for me to stay focused and keep being strong. I have to. One little slip up and all of my progress gets lost. I will not allow the hard work I’ve done over the past three and a half weeks be in vain. I will make the right decisions with my food. I will get some form of exercise each and every day.  I will take my Skinny Fiber.

I will be the change I want to see in myself.

Skinny Fiber And Exercise

The first thing I noticed when I took my first dose of Skinny Fiber was the fact that I had an instant burst of energy. It wasn’t a feeling of having the jitters, but it was more like a sensation of, “Hey, I want to do something active!” For those of you who don’t know, I work a very sedentary job. I work at home providing content for various company’s websites. There are days when I’m seated at my computer and I rarely get up from it.

Adding an exercise routine to my day was a simple change once I started taking Skinny Fiber. I used to never exercise. Maybe once a month or so, I might feel like taking a walk. But after I started taking Skinny Fiber, I easily incorporated a 30 minute exercise routine into my morning. There are even some days when I will exercise for an extra 30 minutes in the evening. It just depends on how I feel.

I’ve read articles where many people have said that they didn’t add an exercise routine to their schedules once they began Skinny Fiber. Quite honestly, I think if I didn’t exercise, a few things would happen:

  • I would probably go stir-crazy from being sedentary, or cooped up in the house.
  • I wouldn’t lose any weight.

I do know that having Skinny Fiber makes it easier for me to plan to spend some time exercising each day. It’s caused a kind of mindset shift, where suddenly I find great worth in exercise. I love how I feel when I’m finished exercising, and I look forward to seeing the results of my weight loss.

If you’re just beginning Skinny Fiber, or you’re planning to start taking it, I recommend you do what I did with regard to your exercise routine. I began slow, and the first time I was only able to take a ten minute walk down my street. The next day I moved to twenty minutes, and then half an hour. I am fortunate enough to have a Gazelle exercise machine, and I’m able to use that to burn a little over 500 calories a day if I do it for 35 minutes. There are days when I’ll do the Gazelle for a little more time in the evening, but if I’m going to exercise more at night, I will generally just go for a walk with my husband.

If you’d like to try Skinny Fiber, let me know! I’m had some fluctuations here and there (and now it’s that “time of the month”) but most of that is just finding the way Skinny Fiber was going to work for me. I’ve lost a total of about 11 pounds so far, and I’m thrilled with that result!

What If You Don’t Lose Weight On Skinny Fiber?

I don’t believe this is very likely, but you might be wondering what happens if you don’t lose any weight on Skinny Fiber. Through the research I’ve done, this might be due to a couple of things:

1. I’ve read a few reviews where people claimed that they changed neither their exercise program or their diet, and they still lost weight on Skinny Fiber. I don’t doubt that they probably did, however, I think those people are probably in the minority. Skinny Fiber has made me able to lose weight, however, I know that without making changes to my food intake and my exercise habits, I wouldn’t lose any weight at all.

2. Are you drinking enough water? When I first started Skinny Fiber, I was losing around a half a pound a day. Some days I didn’t lose any weight at all. I, too, wondered what was going on, and I couldn’t figure out why I wasn’t losing weight quicker. I’ve always struggled with drinking enough water. I would usually just forget, and I don’t get that thirsty. So, I had my husband buy me a nice, big water bottle (it holds 32 oz.) and, in addition to drinking 12 oz. of water with my Skinny Fiber every time I took it, I promised myself I would drink a full bottle of water in my new bottle two times a day. I started losing more after that.

3. You might have health issues. Skinny Fiber helps with a lot of health issues. Not only does it address fibromyalgia symptoms, but it also addresses PCOS symptoms, blood pressure, cholesterol, and a host of others. In order for you to be able to lose weight, Skinny Fiber first works on those processes in your body that are keeping you from losing weight. Once your body is more in balance, weight loss follows.

I’ve noticed that my body is very “touchy”. I didn’t exercise yesterday because we had so much going on, and I slept a little later than I wanted to. I also got my “monthly” visitor yesterday, and I gained two pounds. I’m not too worried about it though. Getting my monthly visitor is actually a great thing for me, because I haven’t had it since January, and I know that my weight gain was probably responsible. When I don’t get enough exercise, I’m going to gain weight. It’s as simple as that.

If you haven’t lost any weight on Skinny Fiber, I encourage you to give it a little bit more time. The company does offer an empty bottle guarantee. When I started, I actually contemplated not continuing to take it after about a week and a half because I really wasn’t seeing much change. My husband pointed out that it might help me to simply have “something to be accountable to”. So, I decided to keep taking it. That was when I really noticed that I wasn’t craving chocolate anymore, and I had a lot more energy.

Have you taken Skinny Fiber? What have you noticed about your weight loss?

What other ways have you tried to lose weight that have worked for you in the past?