Time For New Jeans Thanks To Skinny Fiber!


It’s a chilly day here in Upstate NY. It’s surprising for August. Craig and I had our wedding around this time in August 2007, and it was really hot. We’re barely hitting 60 degrees today, so I figured it was probably time to get out my jeans.

I’ve lost a little over 35 pounds since I last had those jeans on. So, I had a feeling they were going to be a little bit big. They’re HUGE! I’m not sure how many inches I’ve lost since I stopped doing my measurements after I finished the Skinny Fiber 90 Day Challenge. But, I have tons of extra material in my thighs, and I can easily take them off without unbuttoning them.

I remember the days when I had to lie down on my bed to even get them buttoned!

This is such an amazing feeling, and I’m so excited! I have no idea what size I am right now, but I do know that these jeans are a size 24. I would guess that I’m either an 18 or a 16. I’m probably going to wait until September to buy more jeans, but I will definitely have to buy some new ones. Hopefully I can find a good deal because I’m certainly not stopping now!

I can’t remember if I mentioned this or not, but I was really excited a couple of weeks ago to find that my rings no longer looked like they were choking my fingers. I hadn’t been able to take my wedding ring off in a really long time. I think it might have three or four years since I had it off. A few weeks ago, I was sitting on the couch, and I thought that I would try and see if it would come off. It did!

These are the types of victories that you just can’t measure with a scale. Yes, when I get on my scale and see that the number has gone down, I get really happy. But if you’re like me, you have a hard time seeing weight loss when you look in the mirror regardless of what the scale is telling you. I’ve never really been able to see a difference in myself in the mirror. When my clothes are more loose, and my jeans fit better, those are the types of victories that really let me know that something I’m doing is working.

I’ve done diet and exercise in the past. I’ve never been motivated enough to stick with a program long enough to see the results. Skinny Fiber helps me with that motivation. It’s taken away my cravings for sweet foods and replaced them with cravings for fresh produce and protein. It also gives me a physical burst of energy that helps me want to work out in the mornings and sometimes in the evenings too.

Without Skinny Fiber, I’d still be weighing in at over 250 pounds. This morning, I was at 217, and I know it won’t be long before I’ll be quickly approaching my big goal of being 130. If you’re a regular reader of mine, I’d like to thank you for all of your help in keeping me on the course toward that big goal.

And, hey! If you’re a new reader, welcome to my blog! I hope you’ll check out Skinny Fiber and join me on a weight loss journey of your own!

If you’d like more information about Skinny Fiber, please contact me!

If you’re ready to place your order, visit my website by clicking here.

If you’re interested in becoming a Skinny Fiber consultant, I’d love to have you on my team! Click here.

The Struggle With Pants Size



It’s really kind of incredible how much your struggles can change in just a few years when it comes to your pants size. I’ve gone through a few different stages with those struggles over the past few years.

Stage One: Growth

When I met Craig, I wasn’t struggling at all. I had lost a pretty significant amount of weight, although it was mostly due to depression and not eating well, or at all sometimes. Once I met him, of course, I got (as my son Caleb would say) SUPER HAPPY. I started gaining. That was when my struggle with growth started. It wasn’t long, and I was outgrowing the size 16 pants I had in my dresser, and I began to get happy that someone had some size 20’s that they gave me.

Stage Two: Pregnancy

I actually started losing weight just before I found out I was pregnant with Caleb. When I found out I was pregnant I kept on going to the gym for a little while because I wanted to continue to look good even though I was going to be growing a big belly soon. It wasn’t long though, and I gave up. I began coming to terms with the idea that I was going to just get bigger because I was pregnant, so I figured I might as well enjoy it while I could get away with it.

And I did.

Stage Three: Having the baby

Once Caleb was born, it took me a little while for my body to “snap back” into the state it was going to be in for the duration. Once it did though, I kind of remained stagnant there. I had hoped that breastfeeding would take a little more weight off than it did. I didn’t really do anything else to try and lose weight for a long time. I got some new pants for Christmas the year after Caleb was born, and they were a size 24. That’s the biggest size I’ve ever been.

Stage Four: Sick and tired

I believe that one of the best workout songs ever made is “Since I Met You” by dcTalk. I’m sure they don’t consider it a workout song, but it’s one of the ones I am sure to listen to every morning when I work out on the Gazelle. My favorite line is when they yell, “I’m sick and tired…I’m sick and tired…I’M SICK AND TIRED!” That’s where I am right now. I’m sick and tired. That’s what drove me to do something about my weight. The pants I wore yesterday were pants that were given to me. They’re kind of ridiculous. They’re a size 20. Just a few months ago, I remember posting a Facebook status that read, “My pants fit better today!” I was so thrilled. These were the pants I was wearing that day. Now, I can take these pants off without unbuttoning them. Yesterday was probably the last time I’ll wear them.

I’m not sure what my size is now. To be honest, a lot of my clothes are older and they might be a little stretched out or they may have shrunk. It’s been so long since I’ve bought clothes for myself that I’m just not sure. I know I was given some clothes recently and the ones that are about size 18 (a few 16 and some XL’s) fit me pretty comfortably. I should probably venture out to a store soon and just try on some things to see what fits me now.

I can tell you this though…I feel great. I know that I’m not losing a ton of weight all at once. But I am getting healthy. That is the most important thing in the world to me. My body is really responding to the changes I’m making in my diet. I feel so good after I get finished eating a meal. I don’t feel like I’ve over-stuffed myself. I’m really excited to see myself go below 200 pounds, and I know it’ll be a few months before I get there. I know I will though.

If you’ve been reading this blog for a while and you’re interested in knowing more about Skinny Fiber and how it works, I’d love to talk to you. Just send me a message on Facebook, send me a text or give me a call. I’d love to share with you about the supplement that changed my outlook on getting healthy and losing weight. It made a difference with me, and I know it will make a difference for you too. For more information on Skinny Fiber, contact me today!

Separating The Social Experience From Food


Yesterday I had lunch with my best friend. We hadn’t seen each other in a few weeks, and I missed her. So, we arranged for her to bring lunch to my house since she had the day off.

Normally, this is a problem for me. Not that I don’t want to see my friends, but it’s been a problem in the past when I’ve been in social situations. For me, being social has always equalled eating too much. When she asked me what I was in the mood for, I knew I didn’t want to overeat, but I also knew that I doubted there was a way NOT to overeat without sacrificing having a good time with her while we were together.

Then I stopped myself.

Why was I thinking that way? That was really kind of dumb. After all, since when do the two HAVE TO go hand in hand? Why is it that in order to enjoy my friendship with her, I have to eat too much food? That just doesn’t sound right, does it?

We agreed on Panera Bread, and I ordered a small lunch that I knew would help me stay within my calorie goals for the day. It worked! I still lost weight when I weighed myself this morning, and my friend and I had a wonderful visit together.

This weekend is going to be full of social experiences for me. I’m determined to focus on the PEOPLE I will be with, and not on the food. In the past, I’ve given food way too much power in my life, and I’m determined that this weekend is going to be different. I’ll enjoy the company, and I’ll eat the amount of food I need to eat to stay within my calorie limits for each day.

Have you found any triggers that you’ve “trained” yourself to think need to involve overeating? What are they? How can you change your way of thinking?


Skinny Fiber is still working great for me! I’m down 15.5 pounds and 18 inches. I’m determined to press on, and I’m thrilled about my progress so far! If you’d like to know more about Skinny Fiber, contact me today!

What Are Your Excuses?


Excuses.  I used to have so many of them, it was hard to count them. I’m not even sure I can remember them all right now. Ever since I started taking Skinny Fiber, I’ve come to recognize them for what they are.

Of course at the time, I didn’t think they were excuses. At the time, I believed in them wholeheartedly. Some of them might have even not been excuses…but at the same time, they ended up being excuses.

Excuse #1: I don’t have anyone to impress.

When Craig and I met, I wasn’t thin, but I looked pretty good. I still had a good fifty pounds I could’ve lost, but I was really content with what I looked like.

As the weeks went on, and as those weeks stretched into months, I came to realize that this man really was the man I was going to spend the rest of my life with. He and I both did what lots of people do–we got really comfortable. As we did, we gained weight. Why not enjoy all the food we loved? We didn’t have anyone to impress, right?

Even though we had a wonderful romance right from the beginning (If you’re not familiar with our story, you can read about it on my personal blog), it was a terrible idea to eat the way we did. It wasn’t that I wanted to get fat…did I really think I wouldn’t? I don’t know…

I do know that I used our love as an excuse to get lazy and fill my body with junk. What a terrible idea.

Excuse #2: I can’t give up chocolate (sweets).

You don’t even know how many times I have started a weight loss regimen and then given up a few days to a few weeks into it. I’ve been a slave to chocolate and other sweets for as long as I can remember. It’s incredible how much I used to love eating chocolate. It was a vice for so long…and I would do just about anything for a taste of chocolate.

If only I had stopped at just a taste.

Excuse #3: I’m too busy.

I’m sure everyone falls prey to this excuse at some point if they’re putting off trying to lose weight. This was nothing but a cop out. Am I busy now? Yes. I work for many clients who all need me to write for them consistently. I also have a busy three-year-old at home, a husband who wants to spend time with me, and two older children who need me to be an involved Mom for them too. Guess what? I have time to work out. Amazing.

Excuse #4: Eating better is too expensive.

This excuse was one I used frequently. I knew I should be eating fresh food. I just didn’t think we could afford to buy better food. We spent so much money on crap food. It took a long time, but my husband started turning our family away from processed foods little by little until we were eating better. We’re still not perfect. But we’re so much better than we used to be. I love spending time in the produce section of Wegmans. Amazingly enough, I don’t think our grocery bill has really gone up much at all.

Excuse #5: I’m stuck in a weight-gain cycle.

This one was, by far, my favorite excuse.

When I was nineteen, I was in a car accident that left me with a herniated disk in my back. Over the years, I kept injuring my back until I had five herniated disks, and one of those I herniated twice. Pain has been a part of my life for a long time, and my weight has not helped to alleviate that pain at all, as you can imagine. Whenever I would begin a weight loss program, I would start exercising and I would eventually feel an increase in pain. That would halt my progress. I would tell myself that I tried, but it was obvious that I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t exercise because it hurt so much. I was doomed to gain weight for the rest of my life, which was going to make it impossible to lose weight because I couldn’t exercise because of my pain…etc.

Poor me.

I’m finished with excuses. I’m making changes in my life that are going to stick. Do I still have back pain? Of course I do. It doesn’t slow me down though. I don’t let it. I don’t have time for that. It only took a few times of working to get past the pain before I was able to control it better just through exercising every day. I know it’ll keep on getting better as I continue to lose.

Are you ready to get rid of some of your excuses? Skinny Fiber can help with that! Contact me to learn more!

Dear Bacon,

dear bacon


You know where this relationship is headed, don’t you, Bacon? While I know you’re super-delicious, I really have to change a few more of my eating habits. Although I’ve put off doing anything about our relationship, it’s getting to the point where I’m really not going to be able to put it off any longer.

Skinny Fiber has helped me to change the way I feel about food. That includes you, Bacon. I’ve sworn off candy bars, which included my kids’ Easter candy. I’ve also sworn off soda and other calorie-laden beverages because I don’t want to continue putting those empty calories in my body. I’ve really seen how great I feel when I’m eating well and putting fresh food in my body every day. Through it all, Bacon, I’ve kept you as a vice. However, now it’s time for me to put you in your proper place.

Both of us have to face the facts, Bacon. You’re basically just fat. With the weekend approaching, I know you’re going to be coming around. I’m not going to be able to say yes to you every time, Bacon. You’re not good for me.

Oh, and please…don’t try to introduce me to your cousin, Turkey Bacon. I really just don’t like him at all. Nothing personal.

Back to changing the way I feel about food…

In the past, food has been a lot of things to me. It’s been:

  • A way to socialize with friends
  • A way to show my husband I love him
  • An indulgence that I didn’t monitor at all
  • A way to stuff down my feelings

However, now food is much more than that. I’ve given food a different place in my life. It’s become the fuel my body uses to do the things I want to do. I’ve seen that my body operates better when I use better-quality fuel. Bacon, if I use too much of you as fuel, my body doesn’t perform the way I need it to. Also, it holds onto the weight that I need to release.

So, what is my plan? Well, for now, I’m going to cut my use of you in half, or maybe even less than half. I know that a breakfast sandwich is probably in my future for tomorrow morning. I usually have two pieces of you. Tomorrow, I’ll have one.

Bacon, I still have 111 pounds to lose. I can’t do that if I keep our relationship the same. I still love you. When I’m closer to my target weight, I’ll be able to enjoy you a tiny bit more. However, I will want to maintain all the progress I’ve made. So, it’s probably best if we get used to seeing each other sparingly for a while.


Yes, this post is silly. Everyone appreciates a good, silly post once in a while, don’t they? Even so, it’s true. I love bacon, and so does my family. It has to take its proper place in my life in order for me to see the results I want to see. I will continue to exercise, I will continue to take my Skinny Fiber, and I will continue to fine-tune my diet. After all, I’m working toward a total lifestyle change. For now, I know I have to cut way down on certain foods, and possibly even leave them behind.

I’m perfectly OK with that!

If you’d like more information on Skinny Fiber, contact me! I’d love to share with you how this incredible weight loss tool has changed my life!

Climb Off The Weight Loss Roller Coaster While Using Skinny Fiber

Even though I’m taking Skinny Fiber and many people have said that they lost weight without changing their eating habits or their exercise program, this has not been the case with me. I’ve had to make some major adjustments, and it’s taken me a while to even lose the weight that I have lost. I’ve gained a few pounds along the way, and then lost them again. There have been a few reasons for that. However, right now I’m working on getting off the roller coaster.

Skinny Fiber is making the roller coaster a little better for me. In the past, my weight loss roller coaster has been something like this: rollercoaster-islands-of-adventure-hulk-2

Lots of ups and a few downs with some loops thrown in for good measure.

Now, it’s more like this: dragon_wagon

It’s been coming down and then going up a little, and then coming down a little bit more.

Right now, I’m at a weight I haven’t seen in a long time. I’m excited to be starting out the month of May quickly approaching 240. Even so, the weekend is also approaching. Weekends have been a problem, ever since I started Skinny Fiber. I’m not sure why, but I do know that they can’t continue to be a problem. I can’t undo all of the progress I’ve made. Even if I don’t undo the progress, it will take me a lot longer to lose weight if I let go on the weekends.

I know that a little weight fluctuation is normal, especially for women. For instance, I’ve always gained a little bit right around that “time of the month”. I can handle that.

I’m writing this blog for a few reasons:

1. To invite you along on my weight loss journey.

2. To do some of the work for you, so that when and if you decide to try Skinny Fiber, you can use some of my experiences to produce quicker results for yourself.

3. To show you that losing weight does take work, and that Skinny Fiber is just a tool that can help you achieve the weight loss you desire.

I’ve been on a roller coaster for a long time. However, I’m encouraged that the higher hills are getting smaller. It’s taken a lot of work on my part, but I feel incredible. I know it will only get better. My lifestyle is changing, and I couldn’t be happier.

If you’d like to try Skinny Fiber, the only weight loss supplement that offers you an empty bottle guarantee, contact me today!


5 Reasons I Love Skinny Fiber


I might have already blogged about why I love Skinny Fiber so much, but I thought of a few more reasons today, so I thought I would expand upon them.

Reason #1: Easy Portion Control

Do I still get hungry? You bet I do. I get just as hungry on Skinny Fiber as I did before I started taking it. It’s not as serious though. I used to feel almost sick to my stomach if I had waited too long to eat. I don’t get that anymore. As soon as I begin to feel real stomach hunger (which is different from just “thinking” you’re hungry), I take two Skinny Fiber and I wait half an hour before I eat. During that half an hour, my hunger actually decreases, because the Skinny Fiber increases in size in my stomach. It grows up to 50x its original size! When it comes time to eat, I’m not as hungry as I was when I took it, and I eat less. It makes portion control so much easier.

Reason #2: Less Food Cravings

I didn’t want to say that I don’t have any food cravings anymore. That’s not exactly true. My cravings are definitely changing, and they’re moving from chocolate and sweets to things like bread and salt. Even so, those cravings aren’t so bad I can’t handle them. What I’ve been doing is leaving some extra room in my meal plan each day for a slice of bread here and there. That seems to take care of the craving just fine.

I used to be a chocoholic, and those days are long gone. I no longer feel deprived if I don’t get chocolate every day (several times a day) and when I’m offered chocolate, it’s really easy to turn it down.

Reason #3: Increased Energy

If there was ever a sedentary human being, it was me. I hardly ever did any exercise before Skinny Fiber. My best friend rarely invited me to the gym with her because I really just wasn’t interested. Walking was hard, and anything more than walking just wasn’t happening. Now, I exercise a minimum of 30 minutes per day, and I’m getting sweaty! Today it seemed like my workout was really kicked up a notch or two, because I was really working out hard. Getting out of bed is a lot easier, and many times I wake up before my alarm even goes off. I’m ready to go!

Reason #4: Hair and Nails

Lately I’m noticing some big changes in my hair and nails. I’ve dealt with dry hair for months. It’s looked lifeless. When I washed it, it took a really long time before it would even soak up water to begin to feel wet. As far as my nails go, they’ve been brittle for as long as I can remember. My hair and nails are getting more healthy now. I’m not sure if it’s because of Skinny Fiber, or if it’s because of the better food I’m eating. It might be a combination of them both. Either way, I’m happy!

Reason #5: Better Mood

I’ve always been a happy person. Amazingly enough, however, my mood has improved a great deal since I started taking Skinny Fiber. I’m finding that I have more patience with my kids, and I’m able to maintain a happy mood all day long. It feels good to just feel pleasant all the time. I love it!

I blogged a few days ago about how I went on vacation and gained a few pounds while I was gone. As of yesterday, I had lost all of that weight, plus a little bit more. Today, I lost still another 1.1 pound. Even with a three-day vacation, it only took me three days to get rid of those pounds that crept back.

I’m well on my way toward my first goal! If you’d like to join me, I’d love to talk to you about how Skinny Fiber can help you. No other company will offer you an empty bottle guarantee if it doesn’t work. I promise you!

Why wait? Contact me and start your own weight loss journey today!