Time For New Jeans Thanks To Skinny Fiber!


It’s a chilly day here in Upstate NY. It’s surprising for August. Craig and I had our wedding around this time in August 2007, and it was really hot. We’re barely hitting 60 degrees today, so I figured it was probably time to get out my jeans.

I’ve lost a little over 35 pounds since I last had those jeans on. So, I had a feeling they were going to be a little bit big. They’re HUGE! I’m not sure how many inches I’ve lost since I stopped doing my measurements after I finished the Skinny Fiber 90 Day Challenge. But, I have tons of extra material in my thighs, and I can easily take them off without unbuttoning them.

I remember the days when I had to lie down on my bed to even get them buttoned!

This is such an amazing feeling, and I’m so excited! I have no idea what size I am right now, but I do know that these jeans are a size 24. I would guess that I’m either an 18 or a 16. I’m probably going to wait until September to buy more jeans, but I will definitely have to buy some new ones. Hopefully I can find a good deal because I’m certainly not stopping now!

I can’t remember if I mentioned this or not, but I was really excited a couple of weeks ago to find that my rings no longer looked like they were choking my fingers. I hadn’t been able to take my wedding ring off in a really long time. I think it might have three or four years since I had it off. A few weeks ago, I was sitting on the couch, and I thought that I would try and see if it would come off. It did!

These are the types of victories that you just can’t measure with a scale. Yes, when I get on my scale and see that the number has gone down, I get really happy. But if you’re like me, you have a hard time seeing weight loss when you look in the mirror regardless of what the scale is telling you. I’ve never really been able to see a difference in myself in the mirror. When my clothes are more loose, and my jeans fit better, those are the types of victories that really let me know that something I’m doing is working.

I’ve done diet and exercise in the past. I’ve never been motivated enough to stick with a program long enough to see the results. Skinny Fiber helps me with that motivation. It’s taken away my cravings for sweet foods and replaced them with cravings for fresh produce and protein. It also gives me a physical burst of energy that helps me want to work out in the mornings and sometimes in the evenings too.

Without Skinny Fiber, I’d still be weighing in at over 250 pounds. This morning, I was at 217, and I know it won’t be long before I’ll be quickly approaching my big goal of being 130. If you’re a regular reader of mine, I’d like to thank you for all of your help in keeping me on the course toward that big goal.

And, hey! If you’re a new reader, welcome to my blog! I hope you’ll check out Skinny Fiber and join me on a weight loss journey of your own!

If you’d like more information about Skinny Fiber, please contact me!

If you’re ready to place your order, visit my website by clicking here.

If you’re interested in becoming a Skinny Fiber consultant, I’d love to have you on my team! Click here.

Clothes That Fit Better: Another Perk In My Weight Loss Journey With Skinny Fiber

This morning I was thrilled when I pulled a shirt out of my closet that I hadn’t worn in a few years. To be honest, it was a little tight when I bought it, but I was determined to make it work for the outfit I needed to wear. I don’t even know what year it was, but I know it was a long time ago.

As I looked at the shirt, I realized that it kind of looked like it was a little bit bigger than it was before. It’s interesting how our perspective changes as we lose weight. I thought I would try it on and see if it fit any better now that I had lost 32 pounds.

It fits perfectly!

Being able to wear clothes that I haven’t worn in a while has been one of my favorite parts about taking Skinny Fiber. Perhaps you’re like me, and you have some of those smaller clothes in your closet. At one point, you put them in there thinking, “Someday I’ll lose weight, and I’ll be able to wear that again.” You held onto those clothes in hopes that you would be losing weight eventually. The problem is, for most of us that day never comes.

That’s where I was for a really LONG time. In fact, most of those smaller clothes I once had disappeared. There were a few items that I gave away, but some of them just up and vanished. However, I do still have a couple of things that I’ve been hoping to wear again someday.

The next goal? To look into my closet and say, “Wow! I need to go shopping so I have some clothes that aren’t too big on me!” That will be an amazing accomplishment. I’m already looking forward to the fall/winter so that I can buy myself some new jeans. I only have two pairs of jeans right now, and it’s been a few months since I’ve worn them. I’m sure they’re quite big. It will be fun shopping for new jeans!

If you’ve tried to lose weight many times in the past, and you haven’t been successful, it might be time to try something different. Losing weight is a challenge, but it’s not one that’s too difficult when you have the right tools in your hands. Skinny Fiber has helped me tremendously, and I know that it can help you too.

For more information about Skinny Fiber, contact me!

If you’d like to place your first order, which comes with an empty bottle money-back guarantee, click here.

If you’d like more information about becoming a Skinny Fiber consultant, click here.

What are your weight loss goals? Do you have any goals that aren’t measured by the scale?

Skinny Fiber: Does It Work For Guys?



I’ve spent a lot of time thus far on this blog talking about how much Skinny Fiber has worked for me. I’m now down 26 pounds, and I’m thrilled with those results. However, today I wanted to talk about how great Skinny Fiber is for men too.

Skinny Fiber isn’t a woman’s supplement. Yes, it helps with PCOS, and it seems to be helping me have healthier hair and nails. However, it also helps with blood pressure. Above all, it suppresses the appetite and helps you make healthier food choices. That makes it perfect for men.

I know one of the things my husband complains about all the time is the fact that he’s “always hungry”. He works a very active job, and he’s constantly working out. He’s a delivery driver (four days a week), and each day he lifts thousands of pounds. As a result, he needs to eat a high number of calories. I think this complaint is probably a pretty normal one for men. 

Skinny Fiber can give you that full feeling you’ve been missing. It can also help you make wiser food choices by reducing your cravings for salty foods or sweet foods. You’ll want to make better food choices, and no matter how active your job is, you’ll be motivated to exercise above and beyond that. 

Skinny Fiber can work for you (men) just like it’s working for me. I’m still on my journey, and I have a long way to go. However, I will get there! Will you come along with me?

For more information on Skinny Fiber, contact me today!

Thinking About Weight Loss? You’re Not Getting Any Younger!



Today I’ve been thinking about the fact that I’m 37 years old. I know that’s not ancient, but I’ve wasted a lot of years letting my body go. I’ve wasted a lot of time just lounging on the couch, feeling sorry for myself because I dealt with a lot of back pain. The words, “I can’t exercise because my back hurts,” was something I said a lot. Now, please understand…if you also have physical pain, I’m not talking about doing something you shouldn’t be doing and hurting yourself even more. A few weeks ago, I blogged about protecting my weight loss journey, and that’s a major part of it. You DO have to know your limitations. I’m talking about figuring out what you can do for exercise that will help you get into shape without hurting yourself.

Let me give you an example.

About a year and a half ago, I started trying to lose weight. I was working outside my home at the time, and I needed to find something that I could do before work in the mornings, but that would also offer my back the support it needed. People kept telling me that swimming was the perfect exercise for me because it offered me complete support. So, I decided to give it a try. I joined our local YWCA and I started going swimming several times a week, in the morning, before I had to be at work. I lost a little bit of weight by doing that. Swimming is a great exercise if you have pain, and if you have access to a pool. If you’re in the Elmira/Horseheads area, I definitely recommend the YWCA. Membership is only $45 a year (male or female) and it costs $3 each time you go for their open swim. I’ve started going to Aqua Zumba too, and I love it!

A few days ago, I decided to try this 30 Day Ab Challenge too. I have had three C-sections and I have a stomach pooch that’s becoming a little more prominent as I get smaller elsewhere. I’ve read that it’s hard to lose the pooch because of the severed nerve endings following a C-section. So, I thought I’d try the 30 Day Ab Challenge and see if I could shrink it that way. The first thing I noticed was that I couldn’t do the sit ups. I tried, and I pulled and I strained, and I just couldn’t do them. If you’ve been following this blog, you know how hard I’ve been working my body. It wasn’t that I was trying. I really did. It was that my back isn’t strong enough to do them. I decided to do crunches instead, and over the past few days, my back pain has increased.

Now, I have a decision to make. I can continue with the ab challenge, or I can let go of it (for now) and keep on doing what I’ve been doing, that’s been working. I’ve decided to let it go. I think it’s a great piece of a workout, but it’s not the right time for me to do it. I need to get myself stronger, and I think the best way to do that is to find another way to work out my abs and strengthen them and my back. I’m working out for at least 60 minutes every day now, and I know that the strength will come with time.

OK, back to not getting any younger. 

It seems like we have a lot of excuses, doesn’t it? We put off losing weight because we want to wait until the new year, or we don’t want to be tied down to a “diet” during the summer. Back in March, I made the decision that I really was not getting any younger. I knew that the time to lose weight was NOW. Putting it off wasn’t going to do me any good, and I was only going to get heavier if I didn’t do something about it NOW.

I have big goals for my life, and they don’t include having a heart attack before I’m 40 years old. I want to enjoy my kids’ childhood with them. I want to play with them and enjoy them. I want to continue to feel better.

So, what’s the secret?

Yes, I’ve been taking a supplement (Skinny Fiber) to help me lose weight. I’ve also been working out every day (I rarely miss a day), and I’ve been watching my calorie intake. I’ve started really paying attention to how I feel when I eat, and I’m stopping when I’m comfortable. I don’t deprive myself of things that I want, but I’m noticing that I’m wanting more healthy things to eat. I love salads now, and I love when I get to buy lettuce from local farmers. I hardly ever eat potatoes anymore, because I just don’t want them. I don’t eat bread; instead I have a half a wrap for lunch, along with some cottage cheese and Greek yogurt. When I want a burger, though, I eat one. When I want bacon, I have a slice. Am I losing weight a little slower than I would if I didn’t eat those things? Probably. But I’m enjoying the experience more, and it’s easy to stick to my plan when I’m not depriving myself.

I’m not getting any younger, and neither are you. I’d love to have you join me on a weight loss journey of your own. Contact me for more information about Skinny Fiber!

Do you have any weight loss goals? What has stood in your way from losing the weight you want to lose?

Milestone Reached! 20 Pounds Lost On Skinny Fiber!



I was so excited to take this picture yesterday. I take a lot of pictures of myself because that’s really the only way I can see my own weight loss. Unless, of course, I look at the way my clothes fit (or don’t fit) anymore. I started this journey on March 21, 2013. I’m not quite at the three month mark yet, but I’ve lost over 20 pounds!

I feel like just basking in this today. I’m so thrilled that I’ve lost so much, and I’m excited for the next 20 too. One thing people say to me all the time is, “Keep going! Don’t stop!” While I know they mean well, and they’re being encouraging, there’s something they don’t know…

The time for doing anything BUT staying the course is passed. I have been in the position of quitting only to start trying to lose weight all over again. Honestly, I’ve never had this much momentum before. Even when I lost 53 pounds before I got pregnant for the second time, at the 20 pound loss point, I had been working at it for almost a year. That’s crazy! To think that it took me two years to lose 53 pounds before, and I’ve lost 20 pounds in 12 weeks this time. THAT is success.

Wanna know what else is success? A few things:

1. I crave good foods now, not chocolate. My daughter bought Reeces Pieces last night at my son’s baseball game. I asked for ONE. She gave me TWO. I rolled my eyes, but I ate the two. I was done. That has never happened before.

2. I crave the exercise now. I love my workouts on my Gazelle every morning. Thirty minutes there puts me on the right track, first thing in the morning, every single day.

3. My periods are becoming more regular. I know that’s not just a result of the weight loss. It’s a result of taking Skinny Fiber because that’s one of the things that Skinny Fiber DOES. It fights PCOS, which can make it nearly impossible for anyone to lose weight. As my periods regulate, I’m feeling better. 

If you’ve been trying to lose weight for a long time, and you’re finding that it’s hard, or you’re struggling with it more than you thought you would, you might need just a little bit of a boost to get the results you want. Skinny Fiber is an all-natural supplement that will change your life. There are NO BAD SIDE EFFECTS. You won’t feel like you’re jumping out of your skin all day, and you won’t have any withdrawal if you happen to miss a dose or two. There’s no caffeine in it, and nothing that’s bad for you at all. Just all-natural ingredients that will help you feel full faster, keep your cravings at bay, and lose weight.

Want to know more? Contact me!

The Struggle With Pants Size



It’s really kind of incredible how much your struggles can change in just a few years when it comes to your pants size. I’ve gone through a few different stages with those struggles over the past few years.

Stage One: Growth

When I met Craig, I wasn’t struggling at all. I had lost a pretty significant amount of weight, although it was mostly due to depression and not eating well, or at all sometimes. Once I met him, of course, I got (as my son Caleb would say) SUPER HAPPY. I started gaining. That was when my struggle with growth started. It wasn’t long, and I was outgrowing the size 16 pants I had in my dresser, and I began to get happy that someone had some size 20’s that they gave me.

Stage Two: Pregnancy

I actually started losing weight just before I found out I was pregnant with Caleb. When I found out I was pregnant I kept on going to the gym for a little while because I wanted to continue to look good even though I was going to be growing a big belly soon. It wasn’t long though, and I gave up. I began coming to terms with the idea that I was going to just get bigger because I was pregnant, so I figured I might as well enjoy it while I could get away with it.

And I did.

Stage Three: Having the baby

Once Caleb was born, it took me a little while for my body to “snap back” into the state it was going to be in for the duration. Once it did though, I kind of remained stagnant there. I had hoped that breastfeeding would take a little more weight off than it did. I didn’t really do anything else to try and lose weight for a long time. I got some new pants for Christmas the year after Caleb was born, and they were a size 24. That’s the biggest size I’ve ever been.

Stage Four: Sick and tired

I believe that one of the best workout songs ever made is “Since I Met You” by dcTalk. I’m sure they don’t consider it a workout song, but it’s one of the ones I am sure to listen to every morning when I work out on the Gazelle. My favorite line is when they yell, “I’m sick and tired…I’m sick and tired…I’M SICK AND TIRED!” That’s where I am right now. I’m sick and tired. That’s what drove me to do something about my weight. The pants I wore yesterday were pants that were given to me. They’re kind of ridiculous. They’re a size 20. Just a few months ago, I remember posting a Facebook status that read, “My pants fit better today!” I was so thrilled. These were the pants I was wearing that day. Now, I can take these pants off without unbuttoning them. Yesterday was probably the last time I’ll wear them.

I’m not sure what my size is now. To be honest, a lot of my clothes are older and they might be a little stretched out or they may have shrunk. It’s been so long since I’ve bought clothes for myself that I’m just not sure. I know I was given some clothes recently and the ones that are about size 18 (a few 16 and some XL’s) fit me pretty comfortably. I should probably venture out to a store soon and just try on some things to see what fits me now.

I can tell you this though…I feel great. I know that I’m not losing a ton of weight all at once. But I am getting healthy. That is the most important thing in the world to me. My body is really responding to the changes I’m making in my diet. I feel so good after I get finished eating a meal. I don’t feel like I’ve over-stuffed myself. I’m really excited to see myself go below 200 pounds, and I know it’ll be a few months before I get there. I know I will though.

If you’ve been reading this blog for a while and you’re interested in knowing more about Skinny Fiber and how it works, I’d love to talk to you. Just send me a message on Facebook, send me a text or give me a call. I’d love to share with you about the supplement that changed my outlook on getting healthy and losing weight. It made a difference with me, and I know it will make a difference for you too. For more information on Skinny Fiber, contact me today!

Today’s Thoughts On MY Weight Loss Journey With PCOS

**DISCLAIMER** You might not want to read this post if you’re squeamish about “women’s issues”. I discuss them pretty in-depth today.

If you’re following this blog, I’d like to thank you for sticking with me this far. I know it’s been a crazy couple of months, with some pretty severe ups and downs. I hope I’ve made you laugh a little bit, and I hope I’ve helped you feel that if I can lose weight, you can do it too. Whether you use Skinny Fiber, or you’re just using plain ‘ole diet and exercise. Weight loss is possible if you want it bad enough, and with the right tools.

This morning I wanted to share some thoughts about my own weight loss journey. The foundational thought I’m having today is that it’s MINE. I don’t claim to be copying anyone, or doing things a certain way because they worked for someone else. I’m not competing with anyone, and I’m not interested in competing. The closest I get to that is doing a few challenges on Lose It!, and only because I’m invited by friends.

Perhaps you’re thinking, “Wow, she’s been doing this for two and a half months, and she’s only lost 18.3 pounds. That’s not enough weight. What’s her problem?” Today I’m writing to let you know what my “problem” is.

Those of you who know me, know that I’ve struggled with my weight my whole life. When I was eight years old, I was told I needed to lose weight, and I look back at pictures of myself at that age, and I don’t see a heavy child. So, I’m not sure why I was told that. I do know that I had it in my head from a very young age that I was too heavy, and I think I grew to believe that I probably always would be.

When I got older, I was told that I had PCOS. If you’re not familiar with that, there’s some great information here. Some basic symptoms of PCOS are:

  • Acne
  • Unwanted hair growth (face, stomach, back, etc.)
  • Weight gain
  • Difficulty losing weight
  • Irregular periods or heavy bleeding during periods
  • Ovarian cysts
  • Fertility problems
  • Depression

While I’m not depressed, I’ve certainly had issues with all of the other symptoms I’ve listed. I’m not completely blaming PCOS for my weight gain. I’ve already discussed my problems with sweets and chocolate. I’m quite certain that they played a critical role in that. However, I do believe that PCOS has made it difficult to lose the weight. In fact, some women can’t lose weight at all when they have PCOS, unless they have some form of medication to help them, such as metformin, which is a diabetic medication.

That’s one of the reasons Skinny Fiber is so great. Now that I’ve been taking it for almost three months, I’m noticing that it’s regulating my periods. I haven’t always weighed as much as I do now. But, even when I was 150 pounds, I had irregular periods. I had to have fertility medication to help me get pregnant with all but two of my babies. One of those babies was lost in a miscarriage, and the other one was a product of my faith that God was going to give Craig and I a baby. He’s now a healthy three-year-old. 🙂

When I started Skinny Fiber on March 21, I hadn’t had a period since January. I ended up having one in April that lasted 11 days. Then I had one in May that lasted 10 days. Yesterday I started my June period. The heavy bleeding has slowed down considerably, whereas it used to put me out of commission by about 4pm every day. I would lose an incredible amount of blood, which wiped me out. I am feeling better because of the weight loss, but I’m also feeling better because my body is starting to act more like it’s supposed to.

Am I losing twenty to thirty pounds a month? No, I’m not. But you know, I think if I did that, it probably wouldn’t be healthy for me. Maybe I’m not losing a ton of weight all at once, but it IS coming off. In addition to the 18.3 pounds I’ve lost, I’ve also lost 24.25 inches total. I think I look pretty different than I did when I started this journey in March.

Lose It! tells me that I’ll reach my goal of losing a total of 122 pounds about a year from now. That’s perfectly fine with me. A year from now, I’ll be 38 years old. If I weight 130 pounds at 38 years old, I will be ecstatic. I’m going to continue getting in my 30-60 minutes of exercise every day, I’m going to continue eating only until I’m satisfied and not until I’m full (staying within my calorie count, of course), and I’m going to continue using Skinny Fiber to help keep my cravings at bay.


Because this is MY journey. I’m responsible for the weight that I have to lose. No one else is. At the end of the day, I have to be happy with myself, and I have to obey God by offering my body as a temple that’s fit for the Holy Spirit to dwell in.

That’s all I have to be concerned with.

Clarity For The Journey Ahead



I spent some time in the Word earlier this morning, and reflecting on what I felt God was saying to me. I believe He gave me quite a bit of clarity in my thinking, and I believe He also realigned my focus according to His plan for my weight loss journey too. I need to get back to work, but I thought I’d slip in here for an afternoon post and share my findings before they left my mind.

1. The first thing that came to my mind (of course) was the fact that I have to listen to what my body is telling me. I can’t just deny that I’m not feeling well and continue on with my daily routine as usual because that’s only going to make me feel worse. I’ve been pushing myself to get that exercise in each day, and I think that’s probably a big reason why I’m still sick and why the scale (even though I don’t think it’s accurate) seems to be stuck. I need to lay off the intense Gazelle workouts until this cold is gone. Instead, I think I’ll opt for taking a walk. Walking doesn’t burn as many calories, but it’s still good for me, and it will help me stay on track. 

2. The second thing that came to my mind was listening – REALLY LISTENING – to my body’s hunger signals. The word “Mindfulness” keeps repeating itself over and over in my mind. I have been depending on LoseIt! to dictate to me how much I should eat each day. It’s almost as if I’ve been clinging to LoseIt! as though it’s the boss of my daily nutrition. I know that’s not the case. Just because LoseIt! says that I can eat 1500 calories in a day doesn’t mean that I should if my body is telling me it doesn’t need that many that day. For example, I’m not sure if it’s because I’m not feeling well or not, but today I didn’t feel like eating what I normally eat for lunch, portion-wise. This is what lunch has been looking like for me for quite some time now:

Whole Wheat Jalepeno and Cheddar Wrap: 180 calories

1 slice of American Cheese: 60 calories

Two ounces of Ham/Turkey Lunchmeat: 60 calories

1/2 tbs Light Mayo: 18 calories

1 cup Romaine Lettuce: 8 calories

Dannon Light and Fit Greek Yogurt: 80 calories

1/2 cup Low Fat Cottage Cheese: 70 calories

Total Calories: 475

That’s really a lot of food. I didn’t feel as hungry today, and after thinking about HOW MUCH food I’d been eating at each meal (because of my calorie allotment for the day), I thought that I’d try to cut this meal down. I really wanted the yogurt and the cottage cheese, so I decided to only eat a half a wrap. I put the other half in the fridge for tomorrow’s lunch. 

Total calories for today’s lunch? 312

I feel pretty good this afternoon. I don’t feel as hungry as you might think after leaving half a wrap out of my lunch. It makes me think that I’ve been eating too much for lunch for quite a while.

Yes, LoseIt! says that I have to have a certain number of calories each day. However, rather than listen to a standardized weight loss app, I think I’ll listen to my body and what it’s telling me. I know God created me to know what I need. I believe that if I trust in Him, and if I’m drawing near to Him each day, He’ll guide me to a quicker weight loss than I could ever manage on my own. 

Skinny Fiber is still a very important part of my weight loss journey. It’s given me some incredible tools that have helped me achieve the success I’ve achieved so far. If you’d like more information on Skinny Fiber and incorporating it into your weight loss plan, contact me today!