30 Pounds Lost On Skinny Fiber!



I’ve been flirting with a 30 pound weight loss for a few days now. Last weekend was a tough one, with a few different picnics with friends and family. I always struggle with those types of gatherings because I usually don’t drink enough water, and there are always too many pasta dishes at picnics. That includes dishes that my family brings. 

However, this morning when my scale said that I had lost 30 pounds, I was ecstatic! 

If you follow my blog, you know that I started this leg of my weight loss journey in March. Its been four months since I began taking Skinny Fiber, and although I wish I had lost a little bit more than 30 pounds, I can’t deny that I’m proud of myself. Especially since in the past, I wasn’t able to do this well with weight loss. Even during the time I lost 50 pounds when I was younger, it took me two years to do it. 

So, I’d say that 30 pounds in four months is pretty good! 

I get asked all the time, “How are you doing it?” It takes a lot of dedication to make it happen. It takes hard work and it also means not depriving myself. I think one of the reasons why diets don’t work, or why they take so long to see real results is because people deprive themselves of the things they love the most. It’s difficult to hang on your motivation for a long period of time, and eventually many of us give in. I’ve been guilty of that in the past, which is why Skinny Fiber works so well for me. 

Making healthy choices is much easier now that it ever was before. Chocolate was always a problem for me. I could never even walk through a grocery checkout line without picking up some kind of candy bar. Was I weak? Was I lacking in motivation and willpower? Certainly. 

Chocolate isn’t a factor for me anymore. Since I started taking Skinny Fiber, it doesn’t even taste the same to me. I haven’t had a bonafide chocolate craving in four months, and on the occasions when I have had chocolate or, some type of dessert, I’m able to eat just a small portion of it and feel satisfied. 

THAT is the boost I needed to lose weight and keep it off. THAT is what I was lacking when I tried to lose weight before. 

Also, with a PCOS diagnosis, losing weight can be very difficult, if not impossible. When I go for my physical in September, I’ll find out if that diagnosis still stands. I’m guessing it doesn’t.

For many of us, weight loss is a struggle. It’s a constant battle that we fight every single day. Some of us lose weight only to put it right back on again, either because of poor choices, lack of willpower, or because of hormonal fluctuations. If you’re struggling, and you’re tired of it, Skinny Fiber can help.

For more information about Skinny Fiber, contact me today.

If you’d like to place an order for Skinny Fiber, click here.

If you’d like information on becoming a Skinny Fiber consultant, click here.

Yes, I’ve lost 30 pounds. I’m proud, but I’m not finished! I still have 93 to go. I’ll make it there, mark my words!  

Eating Right On Skinny Fiber



It’s important for me to emphasize that Skinny Fiber is NOT a supplement that allows you to eat whatever you want to eat. I don’t know how many calories I was eating a day before I started Skinny Fiber, but I do know that it was too many. I was gaining weight quickly. Luckily, Skinny Fiber helps me to avoid the foods that are bad for me, and I’m beginning to crave things that are fresh and good for me instead. In fact, I’m about to head out to our local farmer’s market to get some more good stuff, but I wanted to write a post before I did. 

Here are some things that I’ve cut down on:

  • Potatoes
  • White Rice
  • Pasta
  • Artificial Sweeteners (eliminated)
  • Sugar
  • Coffee Creamer
  • Sweets (chocolate, candy, ice cream)
  • Milk (I get my calcium from other sources)

There are some things that I do enjoy in moderation. For instance, I will probably have a few scoops of ice cream this weekend. I have pasta maybe once or twice a month. I put sugar and creamer in my coffee every morning (although, this week I’m going to take a stab at making my own creamer), and I’ll have a serving of potatoes now and then. 

You already know how I feel about bacon.

I’ve added lots of vegetables and fruits to my diet, and I’ve upped my protein consumption tremendously. A lot of these food choices are just common sense, but I really crave better foods, and I think that makes all the difference in the world. 

For me, it means something that I can be offered a piece of cake for dessert and turn it down. It means something that every time I go to the store, I’m not walking out of there with AT LEAST one king-sized Resee’s Big Cups candy bar. When I bring home donuts for my kids to have with breakfast, I don’t need to eat any. I’m not tempted by them at all. 

I think a lot of women (especially) struggle with the things I do, which is why I think Skinny Fiber is a great choice for a supplement. Will it make you thinner overnight? Absolutely not. I’ve had to work HARD for the past three months. But in the past, I’ve long given up by now, and gone back to my old eating habits, and my old laziness habits. Skinny Fiber is helping me to leave the sweets alone, and continue working toward my goal.

It could do the same thing for you too.

If you’re local (Elmira, Horseheads, Corning area), I still have a few bottles of Skinny Fiber left. To buy them from me is only $60. However, if you choose to visit my website and purchase them there, they cost $75, but they come with a 30 Day Empty Bottle Guarantee. Each bottle is enough for one month.

Are you ready to see a change in your life? Are you tired of feeling like nothing is working, no matter how hard you try to lose weight? Do you struggle with cravings and willpower? I was there, and I understand. To learn more about Skinny Fiber, or to place your order, contact me today!

What foods do you need to cut out of your diet in order to see weight loss