Getting Rid Of Water Weight With Skinny Fiber

I always find it interesting that in order to get rid of water weight, you need to drink more water. During these hot months of summer (and it IS hot), drinking water is necessary for survival. In Upstate NY today, it was 97 degrees. That’s just crazy to me! Either way, right around the time of my period, I always put on a little bit of weight, which I know will come right back off.

I was right! When I weighed myself this morning, it had all come back off.

I love WordPress because it allows me to see what people are using to search for my site. Quite a few people have searched “What happens if I don’t lose weight on Skinny Fiber?” I wrote a blog post about that a while back, but I’d like to address it now, as long as we’re already talking about water.

If you’re not losing weight, it’s quite possible that you’re not drinking enough water. Many people don’t realize how much water they should really be drinking in a day. Unless you weigh 130 pounds, 8 – 8 oz. glasses of water is not enough. You should drink half of your body weight in water every day. Drink more if you want to.

And no, coffee doesn’t count. In fact, coffee can be quite dehydrating. I’ve cut my coffee consumption down to a travel mug of coffee most days. On weekends I might have two of those, but it’s rare for me to ever have three of them.

The first thing that Skinny Fiber does is help to detox your body to prepare it for weight loss. You’ll be amazed at how much “gunk” you have in your system. It took me a while to figure out that I needed to up my water intake, and quite honestly, I didn’t drink nearly enough for a long time. In fact, I hardly ever used to drink water unless I was really thirsty. I knew I needed to develop a habit of it, and I knew I needed a cool water bottle to help me establish that habit. I got my cool water bottle, and I downloaded an app on my phone that reminds me every so often to drink another 8 ounces of water. I need those reminders, and ever since I started using that app, it’s really helped me establish my water habit.

I’m happy to see the water weight disappear for yet, another month. I’m still working on combating the fact that I gain a little bit of water weight at all, but until I figure that out, I’ll have to keep on drinking it off again.

Want to know more about Skinny Fiber? Contact me today!

An Update And A Thank You To My Readers



During the past few hours, it occurred to me that I needed to come here and write a post before too much time went by. It’s not that I’ve fallen off of any wagon, or anything. I’m completely on track, and I’m feeling pretty good! The issue is that every other month I have to work on a BIG project, and as the due date approaches, it really eats up a lot of my time. So far this week, I’ve been completely devoted to it, and I’m happy to say that I believe it’s about done. Ah…the life of a writer! I do love it. 

As I thought about what to write, I checked the stats for this blog and I was blown away. Even when I’m not writing for a few days, I still get some visits every day. For that, I want to say THANK YOU!

The fact that you’re reading this blog (if you’re a regular visitor) means that you’re curious about what you can do differently to help yourself lose weight. If this is your first visit to my blog, welcome! If you read on, you’ll find lots of great information here. By reading my posts, you’ll learn that I’m a real person with a lot of weight to lose. I have a little more than 90 pounds left to go, but I’m OK with that. It’s less than the 123 pounds I had to lose a few months ago. You’ll learn something else too.

I’m a Skinny Fiber consultant, but no one has “programmed” anything into me. Every couple of days I think that I should probably start doing some training so that I’m able to lead those who decide they want to do what I’m doing and help others lose weight. However, the truth is that I’m busy. I haven’t had time to do any training yet. That might be my downfall. However, I’m not doing this to get rich. It would be great if I did, but honestly, I’m more interested in helping other people with the pain they feel from being overweight. There’s physical pain and emotional pain associated with knowing you weigh more than “they” say you should. I’ve seen others say things about Skinny Fiber on their blogs or other websites, and you won’t hear any of that from me. You’ll hear the truth. I’ll talk about my struggles and my triumphs. I’m a real human being, a mother of three, the wife of a truck driver, and a professional writer who works for herself. I speak the truth in this blog, and you’re invited to join me in my journey – you may even want to embark on one of your own. 

So…for an update. I just finished my “monthly visitor” and I’ve been a little bit frustrated over the past few days because I put on a few pounds. I know that it’s just water weight. It happens to me every month, and I just up my water intake for a few days, and it comes right back off. Today I burned a lot of calories. I was up early this morning (wow…that’s a LONG story), and I was able to start my workout (and finish!) before 8 am. This afternoon I was able to go to my Aqua Zumba class (I had to miss it last week). So, that’s a total of 90 minutes of exercise today. 

I’m beat!

As this big project of mine winds down, and I start to get back into my regular groove with work, I’ll be writing more again. If you’re a regular, thanks for sticking with me. If you’re new to this blog, hang on for the ride! I’ve still got a lot of weight to lose, and I’m not giving up until it’s GONE. 

If you’d like to know more about Skinny Fiber, or you’re interested in becoming a Skinny Fiber consultant, contact me today!